Yesterday I went on a ride of a lifetime! I did the Chicago Helicopter Experience tour in the Chicago Bridgeport neighborhood.
First I have to give a shout out to the reason why I was there. It was the 30th yearย anniversary of a group called Good City Chicago. Good City Chicago is a group that identifies, starts, and grows social entrepreneurs serving under resource communities in the Chicago Area. At the event I got to learn more about the group and you could feel the passion in the group members. Every associate board member I met filled me in on the mission and why it was important for them (and me) to be a part of Good City Chicago. Make sure to check out their site for more detailsย
Yesterday was an awesome day for the indoor/outdoor Good City Chicago fundraiser. The weather was beautiful! Inside were various raffles and a great group of people to mingle with.
Outdoors we were treated to awesome LIVE music as we waited in line to board the helicopter. Now I’m not going to lie….I was nervous! I’m afraid of heights and get pretty bad motion sickness, but that wasn’t going to deter me from getting to experience our beautiful city from the sky. In one word I would sum up this experience with “breathtaking.” The views you get from the air are amazing. Anything you were thinking of on the ground is immediately replaced with gratitude and a rush of adrenaline that you are able to experience this adventure. ย Ride was very smooth and I felt so safe that ย the height fear easily melted away.
I would definitely recommend checking out the Chicago Helicopter Experience Tours.
Check out more pics from the event below! See you in the SKY ๐

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