ALL IS WELL – When I turn over in bed awaken by the sun rising and peering through my bedroom window.
ALL IS WELL when I flip on my laptop and count my blessings that I have a job where I can work remotely.
ALL IS WELL when my stomach starts to growl and I’m able to go into the kitchen and prepare meals or better yet splurge on takeout.
ALL IS WELL when I can sign onto Instagram LIVE and take a cooking class from world renowned chefs or have a private concert with my musical idols in my home.
ALL IS WELL when I start feeling not so well, but then a friend will send me a bible verse, a funny meme, or a quote I needed just at that moment.
ALL IS WELL when I look at my finances and realize things I can do without and donations I can make to frontline workers.
ALL IS WELL when I realized I don’t need to leave this quarantine with a new skill, accolades, and accomplishments.
ALL IS WELL when I slowed down and faced ME, loved ME, was gentle with ME, and realized ALL IS WELL. #thistooshallpass
@Hopeisfoundation hopeis.org #alliswell
I sincerely want to thank all the Frontline workers that are risking their lives everyday to take care of ALL of us and to make sure the world can continue on. I have my days where I feel down, but when I think about those out there risking their lives for all of us it truly puts things into perspective about how great Life is. I want to express my upmost admiration for those entrepreneurs who have had their livelihood turned upside down, but still finding ways to press on. The virtual classes, the creative food meal kits, and all the other creative quick thinking ideas are truly remarkable. I want to thank everyone that’s hanging in there and practicing social distancing, so ALL truly will BE WELL. We will get through this. #CHICAGOStrong

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