Have you heard of the term Self-Fulfilling Prophecy? Speaking internal feelings of oneself into reality. However, we feel about ourselves on the inside works its way outward and affects our own view of who we are.
Most of us tend to be visual beings. What better way to overcome the naysayers in our mind with a vision that we can look at daily. It’s not just a dream, but dreams that we want to work on to become our reality. That dream can be mapped on a VISION BOARD. A Vision Board is a cluster of wants, hopes, and dreams that you want to stay at the forefront of your mind. It visually stimulates your mind to go after what CAN be yours and to say NO to the CAN’Ts in life.
How do you make a vision board? Let’s Get Started…..
1) Decide whether you prefer making a vision board on your own or with others. If you choose with others route make sure it’s an intimate gathering with close friends. The last thing you need is someone cutting down your vision as you try to build your empire.
2) Gather up old magazines, poster board, glue/tape, markers. If you’re doing with close friends/or by yourself you might want to get some snacks and whatever makes you feel cozy and relaxed.
3) Pick at least 3 goals or more in mind. Remember they don’t all have to be big picture extravagant goals. I’ll get more into that as I share my own vision board. If you’re having a hard time thinking of something start flipping through the magazines and cutting out images that are inspiring.
I’ve made my Vision Board now what?
– Accountability – As much as we all like an arts and crafts project – this wasn’t the main purpose for making a vision board. You want to visually hold yourself accountable to your goals. I would suggest putting your vision board up somewhere in your house that you will for sure see it at least once a day. I put mine on my refrigerator. I know other people might not feel comfortable having their feelings out like that, so another safe place would be your bedroom or as soon as you open your closet.
– Have someone else hold you accountable. I get it….being vulnerable is hard. However, there will be days where we need other’s to help us get back on track.
– Take daily, weekly, monthly inventory. We don’t start off being 100% perfect. Life involves some tweaks and your goals may also. Don’t look at it as a failure, but a stepping stone to becoming a better you.
Here’s a link I found very helpful on creating your vision board. http://m.wikihow.com/make-a-vision-board
Want to see my vision board? Normally I wouldn’t share something so intimate, but I see 2016 differently. I’ve made vision boards before, but I never really believed it could be reality. I just made them and looked at it as “dreams”. 2015 showed me that if I put my mind to things they can become a reality and I was my main stumbling block. Doubt and fear of what could be kept my feelings bottled up. Well guess what 2016 will be different and these are my future realities: Feel free to follow along on the vision board. These are in no particular order:
1) Faith – In my younger years I was very religious. When my dad passed away back in 2004 that slipped away from me. When I needed God the most I decided to turn the other way and I lost sight of my faith. I want to regain the closeness I once felt and have a deeper understanding of my faith.
2) ChiAtAGlance – is a lifestyle blog I started in late 2015. It’s always been an idea I had, but I never took the time to get it all together. Well now…I not only want to get it together, but I want to grow my network. In 2016 I want to meet more bloggers, advertise, and work on my sponsorship.
3) I want to continue being a positive role model, but to reach an even bigger audience. All things are possible. If I create good content, listen to what people needs are, and work hard. There is no doubt in my mind I can have a bigger platform to help others.
4) Self Acceptance – I’ve gained about 35 pounds over the last few years. I’m not going to lie, but my self confidence took a huge blow because of it. I do want to lose the weight, but in the meantime I have to let my self conscicence know that I am fine in the NOW. Accepting myself as I am now will help me feel positive enough to work on the future. It’s self defeating to feel down and will lead you into the behavior that got you here in the first place.
5) Exercise – With that said I just can’t sit around and wish for a thinner me. I got to take the steps in the right direction. Yes STEPS….continue walking the 2 miles to work, do my meditation and stretches in the morning – Find ways to work out 2 to 3 times a week at the gym in my building.
6) Being powerful and supporting other women. Life isn’t a competition. We shouldn’t do what we do to be better than someone else. The only standard you should measure your life by is your own. With that said life is better when you can help someone else accomplish their goals. We’re all on the same team of LIFE. Helping one woman is helping us all.
7) Drink more water. LOL…..this one sounds so simple, but can be so hard. However, think of how much water means. We can’t live without it, our skin looks better because of it, we feel better on the inside when it flows through us. I want to get in my 8 glasses a day!
8) Relationship – 2015 I met some angels and some devils in disguise. One devil in disguise was this dude I met that asked me out on a date. We went to lunch and he had the nerve to want to pray over his food and I came to find out later he was in a long term committed relationship. We must pray to a different God. I digress….for all the dogs I met I met some really sweet genuine guys. Although they weren’t the ONE for me it did show me there are great guys that still do exist. I didn’t meet the one in 2015 not because there was something wrong with me, but there was something wrong with my out look on who the right one is. I could go on and on, but let’s just say the type of guy I want as a long term lasting partner has changed for 2016. I’ve realized what I can live without and things that are a must. I want a TRUE MATCH from GOD.
9) Next Trip, Next job, Next Love….I want it all. I want to stop believing that only one good thing can happen at a time. Just like you can lose it all….you can have it all. I want to celebrate LIFE. Let me do some speaking into existence…1) I want to travel to Brazil by the end of next year, 2) I want to have a job that allows me to do one of my passions (foodie, marketing, etc), 3) I want to meet someone that I find irresistible.
What’s your vision? Start mapping it out, focusing on it, and see what the New Year brings!
Tavi J

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