Flee Club
Where: West Loop, 1332A W Madison Street, Chicago, IL 60607
Great for: Unique men and women clothing/sneakers
Description: Fashion & Sneaker Boutique
I’m not really a t-shirt person, but I had a party to go to that required wearing a t-shirt. A good t-shirt that was either funny, thought provoking, meaningful….etc. My competitive spirt had me wanting to win the t-shirt contest, so I was on the hunt for a good one. I passed Flee Club and saw the exclusive Yeezus 20/20 t-shirt in the window. My friend and I could not stop laughing. We knew that was the t-shirt to get.
Darris Kelly assisted me with finding the correct size and gave me a tour around the store. They’ve been in this location for about 4 months, but operated a previous location for about a year. Flee Club provides rare clothing & footwear that would be hard to find elsewhere. The shirt I bought shows there on the cutting edge and keep up to date with fashion and current events. Flee Club also customs sneakers, jerseys, dresses, and shirts.
I asked Darris why Flee Club is a store Chicagoans should be familiar with and he said “Because I’m innovative & determined to succeed” definitely the attitude most Chicagoans possess. Did I mention most of the items are local to Chicago? Another plus! Go check them out 🙂
Looking for something UNIQUE or want to browse through the shop. Contact Darris below at:
[email protected]
Flee Club delivers! View their inventory on Instagram https://instagram.com/fleeclubchicago/
Tavi J.

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Awesome blog! 🙂
Thanks Jesi! Just checked out your blog and it’s great! 🙂