WTTW Chicago
Event: Check, Please!
Studio – 5400 N Saint Louis Ave, Chicago, IL 60625
Check, Please site for upcoming episodes
Time: Varies
Great for: Chicago restaurant ideas for all occasions
Description: Weekly TV broadcast highlighting restaurant destinations in Chicago and Chicagoland area.
We all have that friend that always seems to know what’s HOT. If you want to try someplace new you call them, if you want to find that low key night time spot you call them…well guess what I’m that friend you call. I contribute my knowledge of “being in the know” to the show Check, Please! I have been a loyal viewer since the moment this programmed aired. The premise of the show is each week there are 3 guest reviewers. Each reviewer has picked their favorite Chicago (Chicago Land area) restaurant and they all visit each other destinations. The show lasts 30 minutes and each destination is highlighted and discussed in a round table forum.
My dream to make a guest appearance came true on September 24, 2015. I applied 2 months prior and was lucky to get a call back pretty much immediately. Do you have a restaurant in mind you think we should know about? Do you want your 15…ahem…30 minutes of fame? Don’t be scared! Go online and apply.
REWIND: Basking in the celebrity glow again. 😉 Tips to get on the show:
- Go through all the restaurants you have been to in your mind that you LOVE! Okay, done? Now think about which place sort of plays away from the stereotype of YOU. The producers/casting tend to pick people that go against the stereotype. Example: would probably pick a white person recommending a soul food restaurant versus a minority. Keeps the show interesting!
- Be ready to showcase your depth of all food cuisines. During the online application process you have to choose your favorite restaurant from all areas: Italian, French, Fine Dining, American…etc…
- Be You! Let’s be real…their not looking for the next Halle Berry. They just want a normal Chicagoan with a “real” personality that can handle their own.
- Know your restaurant. Simple.
- For those wondering….yes you get a little per diem mailed to you after the show. It’s not much though. Basically be on the show because you love food, not because you’re looking to make a pay check. Enjoy!
- Sorry no Cons. I absolutely love the show and the premise. I had such an amazing time being in front of the camera, meeting the other guests/host for the first time, and sharing my joy of food with others. But why take my word for it? Watch my episode below that first aired back on 2/13/2015.
Season 14 (Finale) – Check, Please! I recommended La Sirena Clandestina.
Want to see my other restaurant recommendations? Follow me on Yelp
Get your grub on!
Tavi J.

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