“That’s sooooo cute! Where did you get that from?!?” I’m so used to hearing those sentences when I sport anything from M2 Boutique on Southport Avenue in Lakeview. M2 Boutique is an independently owned, local Chicago retail business. The store specializes in the sale of accessories, handbags, baby gifts, wedding gifts, sports memorabilia, barware, Men’s […]
Peace Power Napping – Nap Studio opens in downtown Chicago!
“ I get waaaayyyyy to much sleep” said no one ever. If you’re like me, life can get hectic and our sleep falls by the wayside. Being constantly on the go it’s essential to find the time to get in some zzzz’s to recharge. Back in college I used to always say I wish there […]
Living for ME
I guess I’m a little cliché cause the times I most reflect on life is #1 New Years Eve and #2 My Birthday. As the earth gets older and I get older the more I realize time is limited. I’ll admit that scares me. Instead of relishing in every minute of life I find myself constantly […]