It’s no secret that I’m not really into Sports. The first thought that comes to my mind when I’m going to an actual game is “What am I going to wear?” Well for the Kentucky Derby that’s A-OK! 🙂 Fashion has a lot to do with this day. This year was the 142nd Annual Kentucky Derby. Although the sport is built around horse racing….fashion has found its way into the races as well. I’m sure you know the BIGGER the HAT the better 🙂
I didn’t go to the actual Derby, but there was no shortage of parties being thrown in the Derby’s honor. My girls and I headed over to Untitled. Like most Derby parties they had specialty cocktails….Mint Julep anybody :). The thing that made us want to go to Untitled the most was the food. OMG the food here is amazing!!!! The ambience is perfect and what better way to spend the afternoon than getting dressed up with your girls and sitting in a beautiful speakeasy. Who won the race? Who knows, but I’ll be on the hunt to get an even better hat next year. P.S. there was a live band and a contest for best dress. Now that’s how you throw a Derby Party. Oh, and the entrance fee was….. $0.00. Check around next year cause most places were charging a fee to enter.
Some of the tasty food items
Bacon Fat Fries
Pretzel Roll
Broccoli Cheese Curds

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