As we head into the first full week of March and start thinking about spring (come on March 20th!!!) we start thinking about revitalization. It’s common to want to “renew” yourself as the season’s change and this is more so common with Spring because the flowers are blooming, we begin to unpack our summer clothes, and we internally take a look at ourselves and map out what we want the spring/summer months to hold in store for us.
By now some of us are still going strong with our resolutions, but some of us have fallen off. I believe we ALL have good intentions. We want to eat healthy, we want to exercise, we want to lose those 10 lbs, we want to date, we want to be more active, but sometimes we need more than a friend’s encouragement. For many of us we need someone in our lives with an unbiased view and willing to hold us accountable for our actions. That person is a health/lifestyle coach.
This month I want to shine the spotlight on Chicago Health and Lifestyle Coach Liz Traines. Liz story starts off like a lot of ours. She was making six figures at an accounting firm, but began to realize that money definitely doesn’t buy you happiness. She saved up her coins and invested in herself and her passion to help others. She received her license certification at the Institute for Integrated Nutrition (IIN) and started coaching soon afterwards. Liz has been coaching for about 5 years, but started Liz Traines Health Coaching a little over a year ago.
Description of service: Liz helps smart, motivated women design and live the healthy, authentic lifestyle they desire. Specializing in weight loss, body image, increasing energy and confidence, she hosts workshops and seminars and runs customized coaching programs to support her clients’ growth.
I met Liz at a healthy lifestyle seminar she was conducting and immediately felt at ease with her. When it comes to investing in YOUR life whether it be hiring a therapist, stylist, lifestyle coach, etc…you have to feel some sort of connection with them. I remember feeling immediately at ease with Liz and she was someone I could easily talk to and share my thoughts with. I took another one of Liz classes regarding weight lost “How to lose 10 lbs in eight weeks” and then a one on one session.
Like I said it’s not ALL about encouragement, but actually working with your Health/Lifestyle coach to come up with a plan that works with your particular lifestyle. My lifestyle is a bit chaotic. I attend A LOT of events and my main problem is overeating and having so many options and choices around me. I sometimes go to multiple events in one day and I have a hard time saying NO. Liz was there to give me some tips and talk through changes that I can make in order to reach my weight goals. Sometimes it’s not about drastic changes, but figuring out manageable changes that work with your lifestyle.
Why is Liz Traines of Liz Traines Health Coaching a Chicagoan YOU should know?
I have a deep passion for people and their well-being. I believe that when we are our happiest and healthiest, we not only begin living to our fullest potential, but we are driven to do the most good in the world.
I spent almost 8 years in corporate finance, attempting to build a more balanced lifestyle around a stressful, demanding (but financially rewarding) career. It didn’t work, no matter how many vacations, handbags or fancy dinners I splurged on, I felt like I was putting a band-aid on some big underlying problems. I could no longer deny that I was stressed and unhappy in my work, and that it was significantly impacting the rest of my life, including my health. I felt like there had to be a career for me that would be more suitable to my ideal lifestyle. I remembered people telling me, “Choose to do something you love, and you’ll figure out how to make money doing it.” So the moment I figured out I wanted to focus my next career on people and health (and it was a process to figure it out!), I quit my 6-figure salary job and made a pact to start basing decisions off of my gut intuition. It was time to put my savings to good use! I was determined to consciously rebuild my lifestyle, based on what I love doing with the types of people I love interacting with.
It turns out, your gut doesn’t lie! It’s been an incredible journey and I love my new career. It’s incredibly rewarding to watch people have fun while reaching goals that they once deemed impossible or too overwhelming to tackle on their own. I’m excited to see what the future will bring for my clients and business; there are many other exciting ideas in the works!
Liz resides in the Chicagoland area, but offers one on one counseling as well as group sessions via crowdsourcing, at her We Work office location, and over the phone. In order to get the most out of a health/lifestyle coaching relationship you should really vibe with your coach. Throughout the month of February and March I posted general questions we’re ALL curious about so you can see how Liz thinks and what to expect from her as a coach. No worries, if you missed any I have them ALL listed at the bottom of this article.
Lucky for Chi@Glance followers Liz has agreed to do FREE one on one clarity sessions for YOU guys and gals! Get to know Liz one on one and talk through your concerns, wishes, hopes, and dreams. Sessions are over the phone and believe me just talking to her and getting suggestions makes a whole world of difference! Start your spring renewal off on the right foot! Offer expires 6.7.2017
But wait!!! It gets better…..Chi@Glance followers that sign up for one of Liz Traines programs get 1 week of complimentary Lifestyle Coaching. Offer expires 6.7.2017 Make sure to read on for some of the most talked about questions/answers and email Liz for YOUR FREE Clarity session today!
Liz Traines
[email protected]
Instagram: @LizTraines
Facebook: @Liztrainescoaching
Answers to 5 Commonly asked Question’s with Liz Traines
Question: Advice is always given to do what you LOVE, follow your passion, etc…Do you think the world would function if everyone did what they loved? Is there still a way to find balance and happiness with your career/personal life even if you don’t like your 9 to 5 that much?
Answer: Good question. And yes, I believe the world would function and actually be a happier, more peaceful place if people did things they loved for a living. We spend more time at work than we do at home, so when we don’t like what we do, it can shape the rest of our life, our happiness and our relationships!
Something that sounds horrible to you or me, may be a dream to someone else. I knew a select few people when I worked in finance that LOVED numbers. It was like that was what their brain was designed for, and they were awesome at it. And a recent news article came out about one of the janitors at my high school, how he had won the lottery and just wanted to spend his life helping kids, so he kept his job as a janitor. There is something out there for everyone, but for some, it’s clear what they want to do – and they do it; for others, it takes time and effort to do some digging to figure out what a meaningful career is, and then there’s the group that knows and they are scared to actually execute it.
Boundaries from a job you don’t love are key in order to enjoy your passions/hobbies at night and on the weekend. But it can be done! Some people simply want a paycheck that can support hobbies/life. Work to live vs. Live to work, everyone is different.
Question: If somebody is unhappy with their physical appearance do you think it’s more so self-acceptance they need to focus on or changing what they don’t like.
Answer: Self-acceptance is key. You hear stories about kids growing up hating their noses, freckles, etc… and a lot of time, by adulthood, they love those attributes because they are a part of who they are (they’ve played a role in shaping them). But as adults, a lot of us experience body image shaming, which typically has nothing to do with the actual body part. It’s more about what’s underneath it all, most likely an emotional wound that needs to be healed.
Question: What advice would you give to those single guys/girls out there on what topics to start off with on the first date? What topics should you shy away from until say the third date?
Answer: I remember watching sex and the city in high school or college and shaping my dating life rules around that. I’d write people off if they brought up certain things too early, I’d say they were weird. I don’t follow rules when it comes to dating. I’ve had great dates where we talked about deeper things like family, relationships, etc… when many would consider “too early” to talk about. What’s most important is that you feel comfortable saying whatever is on your mind. Whether it’s saying, I think it’s a little too early to talk about “X” or opening up, we need to trust our intuitions more as humans. If we speak what’s in our gut, then we get to see our date’s reaction to our true self. We will know very quickly if we want to see this person again or if we’re ready for the check!
Question: Everyone leads a different life and has different responsibilities. What suggestions do you have for living a healthy lifestyle that isn’t drastic. Something we can ALL start off with?
Answer: Take time to breathe. Start with anywhere from 1-5 minutes, twice a day (morning and afternoon). Breath control is the only mechanism we have to naturally change our stress levels. Shallow breaths indicate danger, fear, anxiety, deep breaths enhance calm. When we take time to take deep breaths, we can bring our stress levels down a notch, and make much healthier food and exercise decisions. I love the free, “Stop Breathe Think“ app.
Question: What are the top 3 benefits of enlisting a health/lifestyle coach?
Answer: Time, space, ideas and accountability to build your vision for an ideal life (what do you want your life to look like? Do you want life to just happen? Or do you want to be intentional about it? We make time to plan your goals, make it manageable for your current lifestyle, and tackle what’s standing in your way of meeting those goals. While I have a certification and a large toolbox of ideas, I base so much of my practice on intuition; I will be tough on you when I feel you need it; but I’m also known to be compassionate more often. Compassion for ourselves is what’s lacking in a lot of our lives.
Like what you read??? Sign up with Liz Traines today!

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